Family rooting for a team
Meet Our Team

Dougie Jr.

Director of Inspiration

Dougie Jr., now 27, was diagnosed with childhood disintegrative disorder (CDD), a very rare autism spectrum disorder, at the age of 3.  Like other kids with CDD, Dougie developed typically for his first three years but then lost most of his language, motor, and social skills. Shortly after, his parents Doug and Laurie Flutie, started the Doug Flutie Jr. Foundation for Autism to help other families give their loved one with autism the same opportunities to live life to the fullest.  Twenty years later, Dougie continues to inspire everyone around him with his infectious smile and passion for all thing’s sports. During the day, Dougie attends the Scott Center for Autism in Florida, where he resides with his mom and dad, and his two dogs, Lou Lou and Elsa.  Dougie’s favorite activities include swimming in the pool, horseback riding and spending time with his friends and family.  “People really connect with him,” says his proud dad. “We give comfort to families so they feel like they’re not alone.”